Saturday, April 11, 2015

[Cap.Jang Politics] 1.A Modern Understanding of Locke&Rousseau (ロックとルソーの政治思想, 수능 법과 정치-루소와 로크의 정치사상)

I was a lawschool student and I'm still a disciple of John Locke&Rousseau, Jean Jacques. They said people have rights to resist and change their government when it goes wrong. If they lived in the modern time, they would say, when revolutionizing their government is impossible, people must have rights to choose their new nations. Because people have priorities to nations in Locke&Rousseau's theories.  -Cap.Jang-


If you want to read a Korean Version ->

[Cap.Jang Politics] No.1 A Modern Understanding of Locke&Rousseau (ロックとルソーの政治思想, 수능 법과 정치-루소와 로크의 정치사상)
[Cap.Jang Politics] No.1 A Modern Understanding of Locke&Rousseau (ロックとルソーの政治思想, 수능 법과 정치-루소와 로크의 정치사상)
[Cap.Jang Politics] No.1 A Modern Understanding of Locke&Rousseau (ロックとルソーの政治思想, 수능 법과 정치-루소와 로크의 정치사상)
[Cap.Jang Politics] No.1 A Modern Understanding of Locke&Rousseau (ロックとルソーの政治思想, 수능 법과 정치-루소와 로크의 정치사상)

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