Saturday, February 27, 2016

[Cap.Jang History] 116. No more friends with Fascists (ヒトラー崇拝者とは友達になれん)

Hello my fellow, Americans. This is Cap. Jang. My dad was Sergeant in ROK Marine who has fellow-soldiers, slaughters sliced innocent people in Vietnam for US in 1964~66 . I'm Reserved Captain of ROK Air Force, who fought with US 7th Air Force against North Korea. My sister is a Medic Sergeant in US Army. My family is pro American and liberalist. We respect Washington and Lincoln. Though these days US sucking and being corrupt, still we believe American Democracy is the best system for the world. So I can't stand when someone denies the values of Democracy or anybody of you make a speech for justifying dictatorship(Korean Nazis) or praising Korean dictators(Korean Hitler) in front of me, I feel like to punch them at that moment. Here is my request, If you are Fascist against liberal democracy and our constitutional law, please remove my name in your friend's list. Democracy is available when people and races respect each other. Thank you.

Cap. Jang photo 2014

Cap. Jang's history Class

[Cap.Jang Edu] AD 13. Wanna talk to Korean Girls? Let's Study Korean with Cap.Jang (韓国の女性と話したい?キャプテンジャンと韓国語を勉強しましょう)

Cap. Jang's  Korean Class

[Cap.Jang Cuisine] 99. Parisbaguette in Korea (韓国のパリバゲット) 

2015 Oct. 8th

Cap. Jang's Console Game Video

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

[Cap.Jang History] 115. Why are costumes important for Koreans (왜 의복은 한국인에게 중요한가?)

It's from Manzzuri's blog in Naver

Cap. Jang's History Class

[Cap.Jang History] 114. The dictator in Korea, Lee seung man was irrational (한국독재자 이승만은 비합리적이었다)

Cap. Jang's History Class

[Cap.Jang History] 113. Europeans protested against US germ warfare in 1952 (미국의 세균전에 반대한 유럽인들)

In wounded US soldiers, 70% was self injured.

Canada, France, Iran... etc were against US germ attack

Cap. Jang's History Class

[Cap. Jang History] 112. Mao's China suggested North Korea to attack South Korea in 1964 (북한에게 2차 한국전쟁을 제안했던 중국)

Cap. Jang's History Class Video

[Cap.Jang Economy] 18. How much money can Filipinos earn overseas? (필리핀 사람들 해외에서 버는 돈)

Cap. Jang American English Class

[Cap.Jang Edu] 4. PISA, PIACC Test result for each country (국제학력테스트 결과)

Cap. Jang's English Class

[Cap.Jang Edu] 3. Primary School Members in 2016 (연세화상강의 초등부)

Cap. Jang American English

[Cap.Jang News] 63. Japanese Gangster Group Yakuza, Bike Riders (일본야쿠자와 학생 폭주족)

Cap. Jang Japanese Game Video

Monday, February 22, 2016

[Cap.Jang History] 111. Why don't Korea Government complain about US's using Biological Warfare during Korean War? (なぜ韓国政府は米軍の細菌戦に黙っているのか?)

731 unit was a horrible military group of Japan Imperial Army.
They did experiments with living humans and many people were killed in those 

After the 2nd World war, US sued many war criminals who were responsible for the war.
But 731 unit and the leader of the unit, Ishii Shiro was pardoned by US. 

US got biological warfare technology from 731 unit with the help of Ishii and US did
crucial acts to North Korea during the Korean War, US military bombed biological warfares there.
And many of innocent citizens in North Korea died of diseases from those biological bombs.
-it's from MBC-

I think what US did against Korean people was worse than what Japan did against them.
According to the Constitution law of Republic of Korea, North Korean people are also their people and their potential nationalities while illegal government, North Korea(DPRK) is ruling North Korea area.

Korean people and government are always complaining to Japan and requires Japanese political leader's apology.
But why don't they do that to US? 

Also most of American people never care about Asians death caused by US government.
They never learn Asian languages, never learn any of Asian history.
Not just about Korea. Most of American people, schools, presses and mass medias never mentioned about even The incident of Tonkin in Vietnam.
What's the difference between Asians in modern times and Indians(American natives) in 18c? 

Just they treat us inferior races and markets to sell their goods.
Only what they want is money from our sweat and blood.

Friendship among races and countries?
Christian god's love?
Those are so called, 'PROPAGANDA'.

Cap. Jang's History Class

[Cap.Jang History] 110. Characteristics of Korean People (한국인의 민족성)

Cap. Jang's History Class

[Cap.Jang English] Info 1. TEPS, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELST Score Table

117 ~ 120
287 ~ 300
660 ~ 677
980 ~ 990
112 ~ 117
273 ~ 287
640 ~ 660
950 ~ 975
102 ~ 112
253 ~ 273
607 ~ 640
910 ~ 945
99 ~ 102
247 ~ 253
597 ~ 607
875 ~ 905
93 ~ 99
237 ~ 247
580 ~ 597
835 ~ 870
85 ~ 93
223 ~ 237
563 ~ 580
790 ~ 830
80 ~ 85
213 ~ 223
550 ~ 563
750 ~ 785
76 ~ 80
207 ~ 213
207 ~ 550
705 ~ 745
70 ~ 76
193 ~ 207
523 ~ 207
650 ~ 700
63 ~ 70
177 ~ 193
503 ~ 523
600 ~ 645
58 ~ 63
167 ~ 177
493 ~ 503
545 ~ 595
57 ~ 58
163 ~ 167
490 ~ 493
490 ~ 540

TOEIC과 TOEFL PBT 점수비교                                                                                                     출처 : 

50 ~ 100272 ~ 291550 ~ 600470 ~ 489
100 ~ 150291 ~ 311600 ~ 650489 ~ 509
150 ~ 200311 ~ 331650 ~ 700509 ~ 529
200 ~ 250331 ~ 351700 ~ 750529 ~ 549
250 ~ 300351 ~ 371750 ~ 800549 ~ 569
300 ~ 350371 ~ 390800 ~ 850569 ~ 588
350 ~ 400390 ~ 410850 ~ 900588 ~ 608
400 ~ 450410 ~ 430900 ~ 950608 ~ 628
450 ~ 500430 ~ 450950 ~ 990628 ~ 644
500 ~ 550450 ~ 470

TOEFL PBT와 CBT 점수비교                                                                                                           출처 :  


변환표 이해하는 법의 예
서울대 텝스관리위원회 또는 각종 텝스 교재에 나와있는

TEPS 성적으로 ---> TOEIC 점수예상이 기준이지
TOEIC 성적으로---> TEPS 점수예상은 성립하지 않는 듯 합니다...

그러니 단순히 변환표에

TEPS 860  TOEIC 950

이라고 된 것을 보고
"나 토익950이니 텝스 860 나오겠지." 해석하는 건... 좀 아니라고 보여집니다.

"텝스 860점이 토익 950점 예상된다."는 말이지
"토익 950점이 텝스 860점 예상된다."는 건 아님.
이상 출처

"상호공부법은 호환되지 않으며"... 변환표는 들어가는 노력정도로 참고만 하시고 한국식 시험공부로 접근하면 안됩니다. 실전영어 안하신 분들한테 TOEFL IELTS는 쥐약입니다.~굳이 상관관계가 높게 나오는 시험으로는 TOEIC Speaking 이 있습니다. 마찬가지로 시드니에서 컬리지 광산학과 진학기준이 IELTS 7.0인데 이 점수 맞는다고 다른 시험은 그냥 900점대나 TOEFL 115점대가 나오기는 불가능에 가깝다고 봅니다.

그리고   IELTS만 영국 영어가 나오는 줄 아시는 분들 있는데 전직 토익스피킹 담당 학원강사로서 말씀드리자면 이미 오래오래
전에 TOEIC Speaking에서 공식적으로 미 영 캐 호 4대 영어로 리스닝 파트 비율을 대략 25%씩 조정하였습니다.
TOEIC Speaking이 미국영어나 스탠다드 영어만 나온다는 건 시험응시를 안해봐서 그렇습니다.

각자 준비하는 시험만 어렵고 다른 시험은 깔보는 발언은 온라인 싸움의 시작이겠죠?
토익하시는 분들이야 가만 계시겠지만 토플준비하시는 분들은 열받아 다투는 경우가 많더군요.
패션의 시작은 트라이, 싸움의 시작은 트집~ㅎㅎㅎ

Cap. Jang's English

[Cap.Jang History] 109. Chosun-1900's Korea and Africa (1900년대 조선과 아프리카)

Photos from iece12345's blog

Cap. Jang's History Class

[Cap. Jang News] 62. How do you go to school in Nepal? (何にに乗って学校に行くの?)

Cap. Jang's Console Game

[Cap. Jang News] 61. My Korean Girl Friend (내 한국 여자친구)

Cap. Jang's Console Game

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