Saturday, October 10, 2015

[Cap.Jang Cat] 38.To be a friend with kittens (子猫たちと友達になろう)

2014 Jun.22 Ulsan, Korea

[Cap.Jang Cat] 37.Arong Jr. 2 weeks old (子猫、縞、2週目)

2014 Jun. 22nd

[Cap.Jang Cat] 36.Hindung & Arong Jr. 2 weeks old (子猫たち、白と縞、2週目)

2014 Jun. 21st

Hindung means White and Arong means Stripes.

2014 Jun. 22nd

2014 Jun. 22nd

Thursday, October 8, 2015

[Cap.Jang Movie] 6.Star Wars, Darth Vader (スターワーズ、ダースベーダー)

[Cap.Jang Economy] 8.Abenomics Is Doing Better Than You Think /WSJ

Abenomics Is Doing Better Than You Think

A recent run of bad news has revived fears that Japan is returning to its familiar role as sick man of the world economy. Its economy shrank in the second quarter and may have done so again in the third, which would qualify as a recession. Inflation has dropped perilously close to zero.
So it might be tempting to write off Abenomics as a failure. That would be a mistake.
Abenomics, the program of radical economic stimulus introduced by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, has been more successful than many think. Yet that success is fragile, and Japanese leaders have more work ahead to entrench its achievements.
Mr. Abe was elected in 2012 on a platform of three “arrows”: monetary stimulus to defeat deflation, short-term fiscal stimulus coupled with long-term debt reduction, and structural reform to lift Japan’s long-term growth rate.
In early 2013, the Bank of Japan’s new governor, Haruhiko Kuroda,shot the first arrow with massive purchases of government bonds aimed at boosting inflation, then in negative territory, to 2% in two years. The plan was dubbed “quantitative and qualitative easing,” or QQE.
Strategic games help you understand global economy.

[Cap.Jang News] 27.Why are Americans great? (アメリカ人が優れている訳)

Do you know What the new medical care insurance system?
Not exactly.

[Cap.Jang Game] 69.Sega's Annul Net Income (セガの年度別純利益)

[Cap.Jang Cuisine] 68.An Arabic Restaurant in Ulsan, Korea (韓国のアラブレストラン)

Lamb and Chicken are main dishes.

[Cap.Jang News] 26.Francis Hukuyama, Low trust society -Korea, China, France and Italy (フランシス福山、低い信頼社会)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

[Cap.Jang News] 25.If you're not able to go abroad, you'd love your country more (이민이 불가능해지면 자기 나라를 더 사랑하게 된다)

A Fire motorcycle in Korea

[Cap.Jang News] 24.Chung-Am High school in Korea embezzled a lot of money from students' cafeteria (충암고 학교급식비 횡령)

[Cap.Jang Game] 68.Spiderman 3 -23%, Activision /Sony PS2 (スパイダーマン3)

*Artwork :  Spiderman 3 (スパイダーマン3)

*By : Activision

*Platform : PS2

*Release Year : 2007

*Language : English

*Genre : Action

*Cap.Jang's Assessment : B

*Educational Effect : B (English)

  Played 2015.Jul.27th

Peter Parker

[Cap.Jang Game] 67.Spiderman 3 -22%, Activision /Sony PS2 (スパイダーマン3)

*Artwork :  Spiderman 3 (スパイダーマン3)

*By : Activision

*Platform : PS2

*Release Year : 2007

*Language : English

*Genre : Action

*Cap.Jang's Assessment : B

*Educational Effect : B (English)

  Played 2015.Jul.27th

[Cap.Jang Game] 66.Spiderman 3 -21%, Activision /Sony PS2 (スパイダーマン3)

*Artwork :  Spiderman 3 (スパイダーマン3)

*By : Activision

*Platform : PS2

*Release Year : 2007

*Language : English

*Genre : Action

*Cap.Jang's Assessment : B

*Educational Effect : B (English)

  Played 2015.Jul.25th

[Cap.Jang Game] 65.Dynasty Warriors 2 Stage 2-3 Dian Wei /Koei, Sony, PS2 (真三國無双、ステージ 2-3 典偉)

*Artwork :  Dynasty Warriors 2 (真三國無双)

*By : Koei

*Platform : PS2

*Release Year : 2000

*Language : Japanese

*Genre : Action

*Cap.Jang's Assessment : C

*Educational Effect : C (Japanese and Chinese History)

  Played 2015.Jul.25th

[Cap.Jang Game] 64.Dynasty Warriors 2 Stage 2-2 Dian Wei /Koei, Sony, PS2 (真三國無双、ステージ 2-2 典偉)

*Artwork :  Dynasty Warriors 2 (真三國無双)

*By : Koei

*Platform : PS2

*Release Year : 2000

*Language : Japanese

*Genre : Action

*Cap.Jang's Assessment : C

*Educational Effect : C (Japanese and Chinese History)

  Played 2015.Jul.25th

[Cap.Jang Game] 63.Dynasty Warriors 2 Stage 2-1 Dian Wei /Koei, Sony, PS2 (真三國無双、ステージ 2-1 典偉)

*Artwork :  Dynasty Warriors 2 (真三國無双)

*By : Koei

*Platform : PS2

*Release Year : 2000

*Language : Japanese

*Genre : Action

*Cap.Jang's Assessment : C

*Educational Effect : C (Japanese and Chinese History)

  Played 2015.Jul.25th

[Cap.Jang Game] 62.Dynasty Warriors 2 Stage 2-3 Dian Wei failed /Koei, Sony, PS2 (真三國無双、ステージ 2-3 典偉)

*Artwork :  Dynasty Warriors 2 (真三國無双)

*By : Koei

*Platform : PS2

*Release Year : 2000

*Language : Japanese

*Genre : Action

*Cap.Jang's Assessment : C

*Educational Effect : C (Japanese and Chinese History)

  Played 2015.Jul.25th

[Cap.Jang Game] 61.Dynasty Warriors 2 Stage 2-2 Dian Wei /Koei, Sony, PS2 (真三國無双、ステージ 2-2 典偉)

*Artwork :  Dynasty Warriors 2 (真三國無双)

*By : Koei

*Platform : PS2

*Release Year : 2000

*Language : Japanese

*Genre : Action

*Cap.Jang's Assessment : C

*Educational Effect : C (Japanese and Chinese History)

  Played 2015.Jul.25th

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