Saturday, January 16, 2016

[Cap.Jang Edu] AD10.How to talk to Korean Girls, Learn Korean with Cap.Jang

Cap.Jang's English Class

[Cap.Jang Cuisine] 81.Korean Military Soup (韓国の部隊チゲ)

2014 Feb. 4th

Ham, Long rice cake, Cheese, Kimchi and Korean Spicy Ramen

2014 Feb. 5th

Cap. Jang's Ethics Class

CJN 54.Michael Morhaime, CEO of Blizzard visited Korea (ブリザード社長、韓国訪問)

Shut down rule in Korea - After 24hours, teenagers can't log into the online game.

Cap. Jang's video Game

CJN 53.The Sunken Ferry Sewol had time to be rescued for 47minutes (沈没したセワル号は47分間救助の時間があった)

Cap.Jang's Game Video

[Cap.Jang Cat] 70.Kittens start to eat cat food, mom's milk is beverage (三匹の子猫の餌を食べ始めた)

2014 Aug. 3rd 

2014 Aug. 4th

Cap. Jang's Kittens

CJN 52.Vaginal speculums are recycled in Korea (韓国では膣鏡を再活用する)

So many of Korean ladies are looking for hospitals using dispensable vaginal speculums.

That's sad.

[Cap.Jang Tour] 76.Panda 818 Lotte electronics CD player in Daegu, Korea (韓国のデグ、パンダ818、シーディープレヤー)

2013 Mar.16th

I had weekend classes in Daegu.
Owner wasn't good. They cheated me and didn't pay my salary.

*Artwork : Panda 818 
*By :  Lotte Electronics
*Platform : CD Player
*Release Year : ?
*Cap.Jang's Assessment : A

Cap. Jang's English Class

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