Saturday, December 5, 2015

[Cap.Jang Cat] 47.My kitten, Kamjang = Blacky wanna escape from the basket (バスケットから脱出したがる子猫)

2014 Jun.26th

It's their basket.

2014 Jul. 1st
The other cats of Cap. Jang

[Cap.Jang Cat] 46.My kittens, they are 15 days old (生まれたから15日になった子猫たち)

2014 Jun. 25th

One year later

[Cap.Jang History] 90.Korean Soldiers attacked Koreans in Kwangju (韓国軍隊、国民を攻撃)

Chinese History Game

[Cap.Jang News] 46.Korean Beauties (韓国の美人)

Cap. Jang's Social Study

[Cap.Jang News] 45.Chinese faked Salt made from Chemicals (中国の科学物質で作られた塩)

Chinese History Game

[Cap.Jang News] 44.Chinese faked Dumplings made from Paper (中国の段ボールボックスで作られた肉饅)

Chinese History Game

[Cap.Jang News] 43.Chinese faked Rice made from Plastic (中国のプラスチックで作られた米)

Chinese History Game

[Cap.Jang News] 42.Chinese faked Eggs made from Plastic (中国のプラスチックで作られたバブルティ)

The faked one

The true one

Chinese History Game

[Cap.Jang News] 41.Chinese faked bubble tea made from Tire Rubber (中国の廃タイヤで作られたバブルティ)

The true one

The faked one

They can't be extracted by your poo.

Chinese History Game

[Cap.Jang Tour] 43.Sweaters with the age of civil wars in Japan (日本戦国時代セーター)

Katou Kiyomasa

Yamamoto Kansuke

Saito Dozan

I can't see this well

Azai Nagamasa
Minamoto Yoritomo

Cap.Jang's Japanese

[Cap.Jang Cat] 45.My 2rd kitten, Kamjang =Blacky (2番目の子猫、カムジャン)

 2014 Jun 22nd

Mom cat worried her babies and always slept just next to the kitten basket.

After grown up!

[Cap.Jang Cat] 44.My 3rd kitten, Arong Jr. in the basket (3番目の子猫、アロンは猫バスケットの中で)

2015 Nov.

[Cap.Jang Cat] 43.My 3rd kitten, stripy = Arong Jr. (3番目の子猫、アロン)

 2014 Jun. 14th

Now, she does laundry

[Cap.Jang Edu] AD8.Wanna meet Korean Girls? Let's learn Korean with Cap. Jang (韓国語勉強して韓国の女性と会いましょう!)

Cap.Jang's Korean Class

Friday, December 4, 2015

[Cap.Jang Game] 83.Battle Monsters, Naxst Soft, SEGA Saturn (バトルモンスターズ)

*Artwork :  Battle Monsters (バトルモンスターズ)
*By :  Naxst Soft 
*Platform : Saturn
*Release Year : 1997
*Language : Japanese
*Genre : Fighting
*Cap.Jang's Assessment : D
*Educational Effect : F 

Street Fighter 3

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