Saturday, November 7, 2015

[Cap.Jang Tour] 63. Japan Capsule Toys (日本のガチャポンおもちゃ)

[Cap.Jang Tour] 62. Manghae Temple in Ulsan, Korea (韓国、蔚山のマンヘ寺)

The 1st one was built in Shilla dynasty but destroyed and 2nd one was built. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

[Cap.Jang English] 80.Blessed are the poor in spirit (Mathew 5:3) - I don't get this.


The poor in spirit?

My country that phrase means 'Greedy.'

So simply it means a Rich but poor in his heart will be blessed.

Is there something wrong in that sentence.

I've learned that from my primary school period, but still I don't get that.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

[Cap. Jang Game] 76.Persona2 Punishment manual /Atlus, Sony PS1 (ペルソナ2罰 マニュアル)

*Artwork :  Persona2 Punishment(ペルソナ2罰)
*By :  Atlus 
*Platform : PS1
*Release Year : 2000
*Language : Japanese
*Genre : RPG
*Cap.Jang's Assessment : B
*Educational Effect : A (Japanese, Religions)

[Cap. Jang Game] 75. Persona2 Punishment package /Atlus, Sony PS1 (ペルソナ2罰)

*Artwork :  Persona2 Punishment(ペルソナ2罰)
*By :  Atlus 
*Platform : PS1
*Release Year : 2000
*Language : Japanese
*Genre : RPG
*Cap.Jang's Assessment : B
*Educational Effect : A (Japanese, Religions)

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