Monday, February 22, 2016

[Cap.Jang History] 111. Why don't Korea Government complain about US's using Biological Warfare during Korean War? (なぜ韓国政府は米軍の細菌戦に黙っているのか?)

731 unit was a horrible military group of Japan Imperial Army.
They did experiments with living humans and many people were killed in those 

After the 2nd World war, US sued many war criminals who were responsible for the war.
But 731 unit and the leader of the unit, Ishii Shiro was pardoned by US. 

US got biological warfare technology from 731 unit with the help of Ishii and US did
crucial acts to North Korea during the Korean War, US military bombed biological warfares there.
And many of innocent citizens in North Korea died of diseases from those biological bombs.
-it's from MBC-

I think what US did against Korean people was worse than what Japan did against them.
According to the Constitution law of Republic of Korea, North Korean people are also their people and their potential nationalities while illegal government, North Korea(DPRK) is ruling North Korea area.

Korean people and government are always complaining to Japan and requires Japanese political leader's apology.
But why don't they do that to US? 

Also most of American people never care about Asians death caused by US government.
They never learn Asian languages, never learn any of Asian history.
Not just about Korea. Most of American people, schools, presses and mass medias never mentioned about even The incident of Tonkin in Vietnam.
What's the difference between Asians in modern times and Indians(American natives) in 18c? 

Just they treat us inferior races and markets to sell their goods.
Only what they want is money from our sweat and blood.

Friendship among races and countries?
Christian god's love?
Those are so called, 'PROPAGANDA'.

Cap. Jang's History Class

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