Monday, May 18, 2015

[Cap.Jang English] d.I sent a message to a postman instead of her. Should I send her a message again?

Apr.27th I've met her, and she gave me her number and I tried to call her at that time
            when I was with her to leave her number on my phone calling record.

Apr.30th I tried to find her number on my phone calling record cause
            I didn't save her number.
            And I found many numbers on that day and I saved her number with
            her name.
            After that I've sent a text message to her the message was that I had
            two concert tickets. And she didn't answer me.

May. 2nd I went to the concert with my male friend.

Today morning I've got a call from her
Cap. Jang : Hello?
? : Delivery! Sir.
Cap. Jang : Delivery?
? : Delivery!!
Cap. Jang : Oh got it. I'm home.

[Cap.Jang English] I sent a message to a postman instead of her. Should I send her a message again?
[Cap.Jang English] I sent a message to a postman instead of her. Should I send her a message again?
[Cap.Jang English] I sent a message to a postman instead of her. Should I send her a message again?
[Cap.Jang English] I sent a message to a postman instead of her. Should I send her a message again?

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