Saturday, June 13, 2015

[Cap.Jang Ethics] a. MERS and Korean Christians (メルースと韓国のキリシタン)

Korean Christians always say "That's Judgment of God."
When Japan got earthquake and non Christians were killed in Arabia.
Even when I failed or almost died or lost my fiance.
They said "That's Judgment of God or that's the end of non Christians."
How about MERS in Korea? Isn't it Judgment of God?
What are you gonna say in the name of your gods about this situation?
But I hope Gods to save even evil Christians from MERS in Korea.

[Cap.Jang Ethics] a. MERS and Korean Christians (メルースと韓国のキリシタン)
[Cap.Jang Ethics] a. MERS and Korean Christians (メルースと韓国のキリシタン)
[Cap.Jang Ethics] a. MERS and Korean Christians (メルースと韓国のキリシタン)
[Cap.Jang Ethics] a. MERS and Korean Christians (メルースと韓国のキリシタン)

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