Sunday, December 6, 2015

[Cap.Jang History] 91.Which ones are heresy churches? the discussions on heresy churches are similar with McCarthyism

[Which ones are heresy churches? the discussions on heresy churches are similar with McCarthyism ]
I'm Buddhist but I've studied Bible for 20 years.
First, I was curious of the life of one man, Jesus Christ
Second, I wanted to find ideas which will be against dictatorship in my country Korea from Westerners' religions, Catholics and Protestants.
 But until now what I've found is disappointing me, I think I found a kind of dictatorship and arrogance of Westerners from their religions.
I found the Christian Bible, especially old testament justifies their murdering other religions and churches who have different opinions with majorities.
There were many theories and hypotheses on how to understand Bible.
I couldn't find any of clear standards of how to separate the true churches and heresy churches.
Cause those standards were chosen by political leaders,
and they also related to benefits of political leaders.
In Westerners' history, the more powerful ones took the name of true Christians
and put the dirty name 'Heresy' to the less powerful ones.
Most of all, I don't think Jesus Christ will agree to what his followers made strange standards
about how to separate minorities' opinions so called, heresies and how to deal with minorities.
And it's just a possibility.
True Christians may have been removed, and heresies remain with the faked name of "True Christians."

Discussion on Walden

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