Tuesday, March 1, 2016

[Cap.Jang History] 119. Buddhists love Jesus and Protestants while they are calling us ENEMIES.

Presenting an objection : India and Pakistan(Blues ones) are not Buddhism countries and Buddhism never persecute 

other religions(it's their rules and proved by history), Actually Buddhists were persecuted by Christians(South Vietnam, 1960~1975, the photo below). Protestants and Judaism don't know what they do (Luke 23:34) My buddhist group decided to take actions against Xenos church and Pastor Joe Klinkenberg peacefully while they're calling us ENEMIES. We never accept Westerners' Pride & Prejudice against Asians. We require their apology.

We love all religions and the people in the world. 
We respect Jesus who said love and peace.
Please treat us, Asians normal humans
who have souls and intelligence.

Our movement is for peace among religions

Cap. Jang History Class

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