Wednesday, July 22, 2015

[Cap.Jang Cat] 19.Kay, A Half Siamese -13 years old, she scratches her body with a laptop (シャム猫ケイはパソコンで体をかく)

 [Cap.Jang Cat] 18.Jina, Shaam -7 years old, she likes this brown chair (シャム猫ジーナは椅子が好き)

[Cap.Jang Cat] 19.Kay, A Half Siamese -13 years old, she scratches her body with a laptop (シャム猫ケイはパソコンで体をかく)
[Cap.Jang Cat] 19.Kay, A Half Siamese -13 years old, she scratches her body with a laptop (シャム猫ケイはパソコンで体をかく)
[Cap.Jang Cat] 19.Kay, A Half Siamese -13 years old, she scratches her body with a laptop (シャム猫ケイはパソコンで体をかく)
[Cap.Jang Cat] 19.Kay, A Half Siamese -13 years old, she scratches her body with a laptop (シャム猫ケイはパソコンで体をかく)

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